AUTHOR: David Hutchens and Barry Rellaford
PUBLISHER: Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith, 2011
Not many of us have the time to read. Sometimes it is due to the busyness that we succumb to. Other times, it is because books are not easy to read. For such people, it will be great to find a book is not only gentle on our time, but also captivating to read. This book is perfect for the busy person.
About the Book
Based on Stephen Covey's The Speed of Trust, this book tells a fable of two men running a pie-shop business. It brings alive the many concepts that highlight the importance and efficiency of trust in the business world. At the same time, it teaches us the need to exercise wisdom. Through the simple story, one learns:
- trusting people speeds the process up;
- "Trust is built over time, a slice at a time." (66)
- "Being trusted invites people to be their best." (40)
- "To trust is to lead." (50)
- In trust, the risks are large, but the rewards are huge.
- High Propensity + Low Analysis = Blind Trust
- High Propensity + High Analysis = Smart Trust
- Low Propensity + Low Analysis = No Trust
- Low Propensity + High Analysis = Distrust
This may not be explicitly Christian, but it sure has Christian principles that can be practised. I believe that the Church needs a high level of trust within. Small groups need to be trusting of one another. Trusting that is smart, and honest. By reading this book, one also learns that trust needs to be built over time. In fact, like any relationship, trust is imperative to the health of any organization. If you want to grow in closeness in any group, make sure that you have slices of trust.
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